Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Best Cellular Phone

You have been using a cellular phone which you bought almost four years ago and although it cannot be officially classified as an old phone, features on new models make it appear to be really antiquated. So off you go to the nearest mall where they have a several cellular phone stores where you can find the model that you saw advertised on a cable channel. Once there, however, you found out that there are several other models which seem to have more features than the one you already selected. You tried to review everything but at the end of an hour, you still cannot decide which cellular phone to get. Well, there are just three things that you have to remember when choosing the best cellular phone for you.

High End or Regular Phones

This is one factor that you have to carefully consider. If you view your cellular phone as a mere communication device without intending to use it to transcribe your handwritten stylus message into a typeface for later faxing, then you might as well settle for a regular phone. In fact, you will find most of the features on a high end phone installed in regular phones, except of course those regular phones might not have a stylus transcription and typeface conversion capability, or the ability to open your favorite word processing application.

Prepaid or Contract?

Most cellular service carriers now offer free phones along with a service contract. Although there are some models that have minimal price tags on them, most of the phones are offered for free for as long as you agree to be their subscriber usually for a minimum of two years. The rates may vary though with several high end models should you choose to get one of those. With a prepaid phone, you usually pay the full price of the phone and will be able to avail of their cellular phone service for as little as twenty dollars a month.


One of the reasons why cell phones are extremely popular nowadays is because they can be used for a variety of purposes. The newer models of cellular phones usually feature high definition cameras that allow you to record videos or capture high definition still images for later printing. Another feature of cellular phones which have been popular for quite some time now is its ability to play music, either through your stored MP3 files or from a streaming source, usually an FM radio station. Some phones with these kinds of features, however, also vary in price and it is therefore necessary to carefully decide the features that you like best.

Suzie has been writing articles on interesting topics including relationships and family. Her new interests are in microwave ovens such as commercial microwave ovens and Samsung microwave ovens.

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